Thursday, January 24, 2013


Deliberate Portland
pea-coated, Irish sweatered
How long can you survive on the sale of hand shredded leather earrings
and self-published graphic novels?
What about your student loans
and restored hardwood floors?
Is the entire city population on allowance
from their parents
who worked from graduation onward
as dentists, geneticists, plastics engineers,
40 hours a week for 40 years
avoiding the draft
missing family dinners and school plays
so their children could sip tea
from a custom handmade mug
stare out the window at gray skies
and write copy for the local brewery's new
beer tasting menu?


  1. Who spends all day sitting around eating artisanal pickles anyway? It seems an unreasonable way to pass a day. Everything's gone to shit, innit.
