Sunday, July 7, 2013

For Don, a Birthday Card

(written on the occasion of learning that appetizers  are called zakuski in Russia, and in Japan, zensai)

Come home = I've forgotten the snip,
 the crumbs on the pillow,
fragrant fellow, my daily zakuski.

Git home + sprawl on the cats,
the pissy yoga mat flat in the dirt-
we okay the grit, damp blanket seduction.

Twittery birds lift in flower formation ```/``
all ours for the taking, our 
hour appetizer, it's zensai,
a Zen sigh, a mouth upside down,
a nose is two funnels,
it's comic, it's toothless, a destined-nation.
I'll bite your lips when you come home.
Git home; I'll bite your lips
and begin.

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